Friday, March 11, 2011

What was supposed to be Week One Day 5

I had some issues with Moodle on Friday so to update you on the sick cat that came in Thursday afternoon. I discussed this cat's situation with Dr. Powell on Friday morning. Dr. Powell suspected kidney failure but, he could not speculate as to why. This kitty was only 7 years old. Dr. Powell called the owners after talking to me and informed the owners of their cat's situation and suggested that he be put down. Dr. Powell did not expect the cat to get better but, to get worse overtime. Euthanasia was the best option for the cat. The owner had to talk to her husband and called back a couple of hours later to give us the go ahead to euthanize the cat.

I also wanted to state two goals for my time here:
-to become more comfortable talking with clients both in person and on the phone. I find I am a bit awkward at both and because of that I am reluctant at interacting with clients.
-to become much more confident in blood collection. I still find myself very nervous when it comes to this routine procedure.

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