Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 2 Day 2

I assisted with the two surgeries we head this morning. I induced and intubated both patients. I chose the etube size for both dogs which were small breeds, a pug x and a min pin. The tubes both fit well and they went onto iso easily. Both neuters went well and finished quickly. On the min pin I was asked to do a deep skin scraping. This dog had been treated previously for demodex and Dr. Powell wanted to do a recheck. I performed my first skin scraping while the dog was under GA and the slide revealed no demodex. Dr. Powell will treat this dog one
more time before resolving it.

For my first practice tip I would like to talk about Dr. Powell and his use of lidocane. Ever since the birth of his youngest child, Dr. Powell uses lidocane on his patients for nearly every sx. This idea came to him while witnessing his wife's c-section and both the nurses and the doctors almost always had a syringe of lidocane in hand to treat his wife pre-op, during the sx and post op to manage her pain. So now during his surgeries he uses lidocane whenever he can to manage pain pre operatively and during the procedure. He has had me squirt lidocane into a spay incision just before he begins suturing. Today with both neuters he injected lidocane into each testicle and SQ right along where he would make the incision for the sx. This was done just before I did my final scrub on the patient.

Nakita the rotti x that came in yesterday for rads and bloodwork was back again today. Her BUN and creatinine was elevated. Dr. Tugui talked to Dr. Powell and they suspected either kidney failure or addision's dz. Dr. Tugui asked for us to perform a ACTH stim test and to get her on some IV fluids. She was to stay overnight on the IV and wait for the test results to come in the morning.

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