Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 2 Day 4

The morning started off with a dental with Lynn on a 8yr old chihuahua named Tio. He was adorable (I kind of have a soft spot for chihuahuas and corgis) but a little snippy. He was muzzled while I took blood for a pre anesthetic panel. I got his jugular on the first poke. His BUN, ALT, K, CL and Na all came back within normal range so it was onto prepping for his dental. I tried to induce Tio using both of his saphenous veins and was semi successful. We had to mask him down to get him where I could intubate him. Once he was intubated I tried placing a catheter in Tio's left cephalic vein and the catheter ended bunching in the vein. I had to pick a 24g 0.75" catheter for Tio's right cephalic vein and it worked. I got to take command of the dental once again and it was going smoothly until I tried to extract a wiggly incisor. I didn't elevate the tooth enough, used the extraction forceps and broke a portion of the root off. Lynn had to go in a elevate the rest of the root out. I felt bad and learned my lesson. Lynn allowed me to extract another tooth and I did it right. The rest of the dental was pretty routine.

Later in the day Dr. Powell brought back a handsome yellow lab that had a hard swelling over his right carpus. The doctor ordered x-rays of the carpus. Lynn and I were set to task and the xrays showed a lytic lesion on the distal end of the radius/ulna. With osteosarcoma evident in this dog Dr. Powell wanted a chest xray done. The xray showed the lungs were clear but, it is anyone's guess how long this dog has.

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