Thursday, February 24, 2011

Practicum Day Two

Day 2 - I am happy with my practicum site already. I do a lot and learn a lot. I know this is not the case in other placements. Don't get me wrong, I am not doing everything perfect but, I'm learning from the mistakes I've made so far. I placed a catheter in a patient using Lynn's technique. I helped her with her dental today. I did a thorough cleaning of the patient's ears and expressed his anal glands. I again pulled blood, induced and intubated patients. I can feel my confidence increasing with every procedure I do. It feels good.

As for Jake, he did not improve overnight nor did he get any worse. I never heard anything of the blood work we sent to idexx yesterday, it may not have showed anything so that is why it wasn't mentioned. He had another 1L bag of LRS hooked up to him today but, without the added KCl. I pulled more blood from Jake with Lynn's help and ran it through the VetLyte. His K was back to normal and his Na and Cl was a bit elevated. Other than that we really didn't do much with Jake today. Dr. Powell called his owner to give her a prognosis on Jake. Dr. Powell believes Jake will not improve and his pneumonia will probably get worse as he continues to aspirate what he vomits up. With this poor prognosis Dr. Powell leaves the decision up to the owner whether to continue on with treatment or euthanize him. She stopped by for a visit to see Jake in his current positon and possibly to sway her decision one way or another. I found her crying next to him and Lynn came by to console her. Dr. Powell also came by to talk to her at length about his condition and plans for the next step. I will have to see tomorrow what decision the owner made.

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