Thursday, February 24, 2011

Practicum Day One

Well day one went by fast. Jocelyn and Lynn (the techs) are eager to have me participate in anything. I pulled blood, induced, intubated and assisted in a spay with Dr. Arden. It was much more than I had anticipated to do in my first day.

We had an interesting case come in, a 13 yr old, m/n shelti presenting with laboured breathing, vomiting, and lethargy. Dr. Anvik ordered rads of the chest. The lung fields looked a little congested and rads of the abdomen were ordered next. The patient's stomach was distended with air but, no other findings. The dog vomited while in radiology and had a few coughing spells. Lynn pulled blood next and I ran the panel in house. Our patient turned out to be very hypokalemic and Dr. Anvik had one of the techs set up some fluids with added KCl. The fluids were hooked up to the patient after Dr. Anvik ordered a Barium swallow and rads. Both Dr. Anvik and Dr. Powell agreed that this dog had megaesophagus but, they couldn't agree on why. Dr. Powell asked Jocelyn and I to take more blood and send away for a TSH/T4 panel from Idexx. He found some research stating that sudden onset megaesophagus can be related to hypothyroidism. The dog remains on fluids overnight in clinic and the results from idexx will come tomorrow.

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