Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shaking a fist at myself...

I have to comment on how freakin’ lazy I have been. I have this website where I can share my opinion on events and issues that matter to me and I haven’t used it. I have been told I have a bit of a knack for writing and I haven’t used that either. It’s not like there is a lack of things to write about. Just in the first 5 and a half months of this year contains a variable gold mine of issues to speak about: the death of a SeaWorld trainer, the Gulf oil spill, the death of Kiska and her unborn pup, and now the death of Nala. I also should have been writing about my own experiences at school, at work and during my down time.

I feel like I have let myself down because I don’t really write for others. That was my other blog. I have this blog to write for myself. I mean if there are people out there that do read this then that’s pretty cool, I don’t mind.

I going to do my best to catch up by posting all of my half done blogs sitting on my computer and make an effort to make new postings. This is my pledge to myself. And I better do it damn it!

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