Monday, July 12, 2010

Kevin Costner's Cleanup Machines Going to Work

I really admire Kevin Costner. This act shows dedication and that he's not just jumping on the oil spill bandwagon. I saw this article today and I was intrigued. I want to know more about what he does on his off time. I was aware of his maritime interests but, this goes beyond just enjoying sailing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

EasyTone Review

Ok so here’s my official review of the Reebok EasyTone shoes I purchased a month ago.

They are a great walking shoe, comfortable and easy to wear. They are not as awkward as I had anticipated. The instability you experience is what Reebok says is equal to walking on sand. I have to agree. It didn’t take long to get used to, just a walk to and from work. Now I only notice an ankle wobble on occasion.

I know I bought them for the toning capability but at the moment I can’t comment on whether or not I notice a difference. I have too many things going on with my bun and thigh area to really say anything. I’m still content with them despite that.

I will pass on to you what I read about the EasyTone shoes from Reebok… They are strictly a walking shoe, not made for running or jogging . You would be wasting your money if you bought them for a gym shoe. You will get no benefit from them unless you’re walking in them. I bought them because I knew this going in. Work is a little over a kilometer and a half from where Chris lives in Chilliwack and I walk to the gym along the same route. I also anticipate using them when I return to school in the fall (yay dog walking).

Overall I’m happy with my purchase, which totaled over $120 after taxes.

Death of a Trainer

The SeaWorld incident has sparked up the old debate of whether or not marine animals should be in captivity. Sure the american organization owned by Anhauser-Busch is one of the more flamboyant, entertainment oriented aquaria but, they still base that entertainment on the education of the public about marine organisms (with emphasis upon marine mammals). But the question is does seeing an animal that most normally would never encounter in their lifetime make them more likely to care about their impact on the environment said animals live in? Is seeing a documentary about orcas in the wild enough for people to think about what they are throwing down the drain or the impact their consumption of seafood has on these whales? Or is there a bigger influence on someone when they witness an orca make a spinning leap out of the water in a stadium setting?

I grew up watching National Geographic documentaries, Jack Hanna and the Discovery Channel. From an early age I knew I wanted to someday work with animals. I still remember the trips to the Calgary Zoo and the Wildlife Park I took as a child. I knew that seeing an animal up close was better than seeing it in a book or on TV. They were real to me then, at that moment. I also remember taking up a huge interest in marine mammals. I did school projects on dolphins; the art I created in elementary school had almost always had an ocean theme. My dream was to be a marine biologist and to work with marine mammals. This passion and was born without seeing a whale in the wild or even the ocean for that matter. I hadn’t encountered the ocean until I was 12. I saw my first marine mammal, in captivity, at SeaWorld of Orlando two years later in the fall of 1998. I was entertained by the shows I admit but, there was one exhibit that really intrigued me. It was their manatee exhibit that really captivated my attention.

It was called ‘Manatee Rescue’ and SeaWorld of Orlando housed manatees that had come through their rescue program. These manatees had been victims of boat strikes in the Florida everglades and SeaWorld rescued and rehabilitated them. The manatees healthy enough were returned to the wild but, the ones that were deemed non-releasable for various reasons were on display in this exhibit. The whole basis of this exhibit was to educate people about manatees and how human encounters were causing a decline in the population. That really stuck with me, what we were doing had an effect on how animals lived.

School Story

Should’ve been posted last September...

I left you on a bit of a cliff-hanger didn’t I? Well I assembled the necessary paperwork and got my application into TRU way back in January. And then I did a lot of waiting. It wasn’t until the second week of March before I was notified that I had made the short list and that I was to attend an orientation session at the end of the month. During this session we were to take a math test to assess where our skills were at. And GASP! There were no calculators permitted. I pretty much freaked out because I just knew they were also going to use the mark to help determine admission to the program. So I had some brushing up on elementary math to do.

I put on my best business-y clothes and went to the orientation session. We were taken on a tour of the AHT Building by some of the first years and one of the instructors talked to us about what we could expect from the program. We also had the opportunity to talk with a faculty member to answer any questions we had. I didn’t really have particular questions but I thought I couldn’t hurt. I pretty much asked what my chances were with my experience. I was worried I didn’t have the right experience. I had no dog/cat experience all I had was wildlife rehab

I maybe should have mentioned in my last post that I got into the AHT program here in Kamloops at TRU.

Shaking a fist at myself...

I have to comment on how freakin’ lazy I have been. I have this website where I can share my opinion on events and issues that matter to me and I haven’t used it. I have been told I have a bit of a knack for writing and I haven’t used that either. It’s not like there is a lack of things to write about. Just in the first 5 and a half months of this year contains a variable gold mine of issues to speak about: the death of a SeaWorld trainer, the Gulf oil spill, the death of Kiska and her unborn pup, and now the death of Nala. I also should have been writing about my own experiences at school, at work and during my down time.

I feel like I have let myself down because I don’t really write for others. That was my other blog. I have this blog to write for myself. I mean if there are people out there that do read this then that’s pretty cool, I don’t mind.

I going to do my best to catch up by posting all of my half done blogs sitting on my computer and make an effort to make new postings. This is my pledge to myself. And I better do it damn it!