Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The need to blog....

Hi all

Same girl, different blog. I thought I'd leave "The Breaker" for now while it is still on the ASLC website and bring you a more personal account of my life. Topics may jump around (I can get distracted easily) so this won't be all about seals. It'll be about me.

I'm one of those people that has thoughts running a mile a minute as soon as my head hits the pillow at night. I have found that reading distracts me from my thoughts long enough for my body to enter sleep mode and I fall asleep faster. But there are still nights (once in a while) where my brain just won't shut off and tonight is one of those nights. After tossing and turning for an hour next to my boyfriend (who has to get up at 4 am for work) I have the sudden, uncontrollable urge to blog.

So what's life been like for me since I got home from Seward? Didn't take me long to develop a routine. I work at a service job I had before leaving for Alaska for what is slightly above minimum wage. I'm growing tired of it only after three months. I don't even work full time, 4 days a week at the most. I have little patience for customers and the only thing keeping me going is the chance to socialize with co-workers (that I like). I'm back living at home with my mother and sister. At times it is mentally challenging. This may sound mean but if my mother didn't work the hours she did I don't think I'd be able to handle it. That is all I will complain about my home life because I'm living there rent free and I shouldn't be harping about it. Why do I live at home you ask? Well that brings me to what I really came home for...